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Intermediates (3-4 yrs)

intermediates (3-4 year-olds) are more secure and ready for a higher level of challenge. Our Intermediates have a lot of opportunity to explore Learning Centers and participate in dramatic play. Your child will learn to recognize letters and some letter sounds, add two groups of concrete objects by counting and begin to understand the concept of yesterday, today and tomorrow. This well-rounded program also includes Spanish and the SPARK Physical Fitness program.

  • Language & Literacy

Children experiment with different letter sounds and start to explore characters and story plots.

  • Mathematics

Children explore number concepts and practice comparing, classifying and measuring. They begin using number lines.


Group activities help children learn to follow directions, take turns and develop friendships.

  • Wellness

Children practice fine motor skills with puzzles and improve balance through fun activities.

  • Creative Expression

Children clap, move and sing songs; create art by folding, cutting and coloring; and act out lyrics to favorite songs.

  • Science & Social Studies

Children perform simple experiments, learn about the weather, and compare personal characteristics.

  • Citizens of the World

Children explore the traditions of other cultures and learn Spanish vocabulary for farm animals, family members and numbers 1-10.

  • Digital Interactions

Children are introduced to basic technology vocabulary and begin to use the mouse and keyboard.

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